To our Valued Customers,
I am writing to keep you updated. I know you want to be kept apprised of our actions, and the progress we are making. AccuLock understands that our customers are our greatest asset, and that YOU want to know the status of your order / install.
Right here, I want to ask you to EMAIL all your questions concerning your new lock purchase or install. Phone calls are time consuming and tiresome. A quick email can be answered in only a few minutes. Phone calls seem to get extended forever. This simple action would help us immeasurably.
As I stated in my first Open Letter, we are experiencing phenomenal acceptance of our ALS1 locking system. This is good news for us but has brought with it a number of challenges. We are confronting those challenges and wanted you to know what AccuLock is doing to meet the expanding needs of our customers.
- We are actively recruiting and training Installation teams every single day. Our core Training teams have Trainees with them on every job. This helps complete the jobs faster and is providing training to additional crews. This allows us to “train on the job” and provides our prospective Installers with real World experience.
- We are implementing procedures and processes to speed up the ‘Stacking and Packing” portion of the process. AccuLock has invested in new high-tech equipment to pull, pack, and ship your order. This alone has saved a full day in the process!
- We are actively recruiting for an on-staff recruiter. This person will be responsible to carry on the training and certification process for our crews. This is to be a permanent staff position. Recruitment and training are now a full-time process.
- AccuLock has implemented the “Website Portal” for all of our ALS1 customers. You are able to see exactly what paperwork is still needed, and at what stage your order is processing. We anticipate a “Personal Attendant” to chat with you through our website, during work hours. (Future plans)
- We have hired several personnel to help pack, ship, and get your orders out.
- We are building new warehouse to house the larger orders we are placing with our factory. Thankfully, our production lines are operating at almost full capacity. Parts are readily available for building the locks, but shipping is still our nemesis. By placing larger orders, less often, and being able to warehouse those larger orders, we will have constant stock on hand, which allows us fulfillment of your orders more quickly.
- We have located and made relationships with new metal manufacturers. This allows us the flexibility of getting necessary hardware items more quickly.
All these things, and many more, are being phased into AccuLock’s core procedures.
We are still working through issues with shipping, and Install personnel, but the light at the end of the tunnel is at least visible.
I anticipate that with the core changes we are implementing in house, the on- going training, and our sales ‘slow’ time of the year almost here, we should catch up on all delayed and waiting installations by the end of March, or middle of April 2022.
AccuLock is doing everything we can to get qualified, trained, and professional installers ready to go. PLEASE BEAR WITH US, we are working to make it better for you, every day.
Rick Segerstrom – CEO

PS. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, Any Questions you have about your contracts or installs please open a support ticket from within your portal login. This allows us to respond quickly, and concisely to all of your questions. Making phone calls is the slowest way to check the progress of your install.