AccuLock, Inc.

I am writing to discuss issues related to the Sales and Installations of the AccuLock ALS1 electronic Hotel locking system.
AccuLock is acutely aware that our installation projects are falling farther behind.

2020 was unprecedented and 2021 is looking very similar. Never in our History has a pandemic devastated so many persons, and businesses throughout the World. Our industry has suffered, and is continuing to recover from lockdowns, closings, and staffing issues, and raw material shortages AccuLock is not immune to any of these problems as well.

AccuLock has experienced a wide variety of delays, and closures from our Vendors in the US and in China. With ongoing pandemic related delays and closures, non-stop demand for ocean freight from Asia to the US, and a general lack of capacity; transit times for materials from our Vendors is extremely volatile.

The freight market that we depend on in July, is now carrying over into September, and has been marked by fires in California, Canada, Oregon and Washington; flooding in Europe, a typhoon in China, and various virus outbreaks all over the World!

These natural disasters in addition to Staff shortages, the NEW “Delta variant”, and active Covid delays, have put additional pressures on us, just as our peak sales and installation season heats up.

AccuLock is doing everything possible to expedite your orders, and installation projects. We have added more Staff internally, and are currently training / recruiting additional installation crews. We are initiating new Website processes to help you track your job, aid in reducing paperwork delays, and to keep track of everything you do with Acculock.

We just received notification that the order we were supposed to receive in July, has been delayed till end of August.

These issues are beyond our control. Although frustrating, and tiresome, we simply have no way to avoid them.

So, PLEASE… understand that we are making EVERY EFFORT!

We Thank You for your patience as we navigate the current World climate with you.


Rick Segerstrom – CEO


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